Monday, March 17, 2008

Oh, How I Hate Organizing!

OK, I admit it, I am the world's worst organizer! Given my druthers, I tend to be guided by whim and fancy rather than by logic and predictability. As a right-brained creative type, organization does not come naturally to me. I really have to work at it, unlike some folks. Take this friend of mine, for example. Her home and ranch are organized to a tee. Observing her system has taught me that the only way everything can be in its place is if there is a place for everything to begin with.

You see, my problem is not laziness. I don't have trouble putting things away. The real problem is that often there is no place to put them. Good organizers use tools such as filing cabinets, shelves, drawers, etc. They can see past the clutter and envision a way to arrange things in the best possible way. For some reason, whenever I attempt to do the same, the solution always ends up costing me more money than I want to spend!

In order to organize my tiny house properly, at a minimum, I forsee the need for some shelf space and some baskets. The shelf space is needed to store books, and the baskets are needed to collect small items that are currently scattered all over the bathroom countertop and my bedroom dressing table. It would also be nice to have a basket system for incoming mail.

Now that I think of it, the unused bar counter in the kitchen could serve as a bookshelf. As far as baskets are concerned, I can probably find something suitable in the white elephant thrift shop. Maybe this organizing business isn't as hard as it seems after all?

0 words of wisdom: