Monday, February 11, 2008

Knowing When to Throw Stuff Out

I've never been the type of person who saves things...unless they have sentimental value, of course. My rule of thumb is, I haven't used it in a year, then out it goes. This applies to just about everything, regardless of how "desirable" or expensive it is. But once in a great while, I make an exception to this rule.

Several years ago I bought the mattress of my dreams. It's one of those memory foam mattresses that make you feel like you're sleeping on a cloud. The mattress came with two complimentary pillows, which were made of the same memory foam material. These pillows normally sell of over $100 each, so I thought I was getting a bargain. Boy, was I wrong.

I have tried with all my might to make these pillows work for us. First of all, they are too thick. Secondly, they are too firm. Thirdly, they are too inflexible. Fourthly, they are too rubbery. Fifthly, they give me a backache. And lastly, they generate too much heat, and that's the last thing I need during this time of my life...if you get my drift! So, today, after three long years of hassling with these pillows, I'm tossing them out. And I couldn't be happier about it.

I have struggled with the idea of finding another use for these expensive pillows. It certainly isn't sanitary to donate them to the local White Elephant sale. My husband thought it might help to cut them in half lengthwise to make them thinner, but then they would still be too firm, too inflexible, too rubbery, and too hot. So no matter how "desirable" or expensive they are, they're of no use to me.

We're currently renting in an area that has very strict codes, covenants, and regulations. I have tried with all my might to think of some possible way to use them outdoors, but I can't think of any use that wouldn't violate the CC&R's. If I owned cats, I might try making little beds out of them by carving an oval indentation into the center and then covering each pillow with an nice, fuzzy fabric. But I don't own any cats, nor do I know any cat owners who would be willing to go through the trouble, so this isn't a viable option either.

Last night, I slept without these pillows for the first time in three years. Instead, I used a single, high-quality soft polyfilled pillow. Not only did I wake up feeling refreshed this morning, but guess what? No more backache! As much as I hate to throw out something so expensive, I think it's time to introduce these pillows to the garbage can.

It just goes to show you that certain things just aren't useful, no matter how "desirable" some people think they are, or how expensive they may be. Buying things just because other people find them desirable has gotten me into a lot of trouble in the past. It caused me to accumulate a great deal of debt, which required a painful sacrifice to eliminate. So now I follow my heart instead of the herd. If getting rid of something improves and simplifies my life, then out it goes!

0 words of wisdom: